rogue-net 0.2.4

Pure Rust implementation of the RogueNet neural network

RogueNet Rust MIT/Apache 2.0 Discord Actions Status

The rogue-net crate provides a pure Rust implementation of the RogueNet neural network. It can be used to load agents created with the Entity Neural Network Trainer and use them inside Rust applications.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use rogue_net::RogueNet;

let rogue_net = RogueNet::load("checkpoint-dir");
let mut entities = HashMap::new();
entities.insert("Head".to_string(), array![[3.0, 4.0]]);
entities.insert("SnakeSegment".to_string(), array![[3.0, 4.0], [4.0, 4.0]]);
entities.insert("Food".to_string(), array![[3.0, 5.0], [8.0, 4.0]]);
let (action_probs, actions) = rogue_net.forward(&entities);